Are Spacers Necessary for Baby Teeth?

Your child just lost one of their baby teeth! If they are around six years old, then they are right on schedule. Baby teeth usually begin to fall off around this age. But, if they are younger than this, their dentist may recommend a space maintainer

Is this treatment truly necessary? After all, sooner or later their baby teeth are going to fall out, so why go through all the hassle? 

Let's discuss. 

What Are Space Maintainers?

Space maintainers are pediatric dental devices used to keep the space open to allow the permanent tooth to erupt and come into place. They are custom-made and can be fixed or removable depending on the needs of the patient. 

But why go through all the trouble if baby teeth are supposed to fall out anyway? 

That's because these primary teeth do more than give your little one an adorable smile. They play a crucial role in guiding the permanent teeth into their correct positions. 

When a baby tooth is lost prematurely, the neighboring teeth can shift or tilt into the empty space. This can then prevent the permanent tooth from erupting into its correct position, leading to alignment problems and poor bite, problems that will require orthodontic treatment in the future.

A space maintainer usually uses a stainless steel wire that is held in place by the adjacent teeth. This way, it prevents the other teeth from moving and keeps the gap open for when it's time for the permanent tooth to erupt. 

When Are Space Maintainers Necessary for Baby Teeth?

  • Premature Loss of Baby Teeth: The most common reason a dentist will recommend a space maintainer is when a child loses a baby tooth prematurely, whether it’s due to trauma, decay, or any other reason. As we said, premature loss can cause the other teeth to shift, leading to potential misalignment.
  • Orthodontic Reasons: There are instances when, even if a baby tooth hasn't been lost prematurely, the dentist might recommend a space maintainer to prevent future spacing or crowding issues.

The Space Maintainers Treatment Process 

Here's what you can expect if the dentist recommends space maintainers:

  • First, Dr. Nathan Benassi will examine your child's oral health and even use x-rays to have a better understanding of their oral development. 
  • Based on this evaluation, he will recommend the right type of maintainers for your child. He will take impressions of your child's teeth and send them to a lab. 
  • Once the maintainers are ready, he will schedule you for an appointment to fit them. He will also give you a complete list of instructions to help you care for your child's oral health. 

Bring Your Child to Campfire Pediatric Dentistry

Are you looking for a kind, passionate, and professional dentist to take care of your child's developing teeth? Our Middleton pediatric dentist is here to offer excellent care. 

Get in touch with us now to book your appointment.

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